Kartu Bisnis

Kartu Bisnis
Member ID : GLN0000982
peluang usaha

Jumat, 20 Juni 2014


Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 -


What is easy is not fulfilling. What is fulfilling is not easy.

The effort necessary for achievement is what gives the achievement value. You cannot get anything for free and expect it to make a meaningful difference in your life.

What gives you richness is what you give yourself to. It is a beautiful dynamic and a challenging one.

Grab that challenge, treasure it, work it, grow stronger through your efforts and know the fulfillment it will bring. Find in every day and in every encounter the opportunity to offer life the unique gift of you.

Earn what you enjoy, and enjoy what you earn. Invest yourself in life and take joy to a whole new level.

Now is your chance to give, to make a difference, to make life richer and more meaningful with your efforts. Celebrate life through those efforts, and delight in all the good you can do.

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Selasa, 17 Juni 2014

Daily Inspiration : MAKING SENSE OF IT ALL

Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 -


All the goings on in the world around you are important. The thoughts, feelings, passions and values within you are just as important, even more so in fact.

Waves of new information wash over your awareness on a constant basis. Don’t let all that data crowd out your sense of who you are, of what you care about, and of what you intend.

By all means, pay attention to what’s going on in the outer world, and respond appropriately. Pay at least as much attention to the abiding values that form the essence of who you are.

Life is more than a mere stream of disjoined events and experiences. Life is the ability to fashion enduring meaning out of it all.

You can pay attention to what’s going on without being consumed by it. You can live your life according to the direction you’ve set, instead of being tossed around by every new development.

The way to make sense of it all, the way to find value and fulfillment in it all, is to see it all from a solid, stable perspective. Keep yourself grounded in the truth of who you always are, and you can make the most of whatever new things come along.

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Senin, 16 Juni 2014

Daily Inspiration : MEANINGFUL EFFORT

Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 -


Choose to do what you believe in, and then put the full power of your belief behind what you are doing. Follow what you are passionate about, and give the energy of your passion to it.

That might mean making big external changes in what you’re doing with your life. Or it could mean making changes that are more internal, in how you think about and relate to what you’re doing.

Meaningful effort is not just an idealistic concept, and not just for a lucky few. It produces practical, valuable results, and is attainable by anyone.

Doing what you believe in does not mean you must quit your job or walk away from your responsibilities. Following your passion is not necessarily a matter of abandoning the commonsense, practical considerations in your life.

It is much more a matter of your expectations, your motivations, and your attitude in every moment. Though it may be challenging, you can find a way to express your highest values, and to follow your deepest passions, in any circumstance.

Resolve to meet that challenge, and to do what you do in such a way that you can truly believe in it. Make every effort a meaningful effort, and enable those efforts to produce great and satisfying results.

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Kamis, 12 Juni 2014

Daily Inspiration : OPPORTUNITY TO CARE

Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 -


Today is an opportunity to care. Today is an opportunity to care about what you do, about who you are becoming, about how you treat others, and about all of life.

Though it is easy to be apathetic, it is terribly difficult to live with apathy. Be thankful that you don’t have to, and renew your commitment to care.

Care, not to impress anyone with how enlightened or compassionate you are. Care, with thoughtfulness, with patience, with love, because it feels so right.

Express your gratitude not with empty flamboyance, but with purposeful living. Even when all the world seems careless, especially when the world seems careless, your opportunity to care is more valuable than ever.

Jump with passion into this day and give it some good, measured, meaningful caring. Add a little understanding, a decent amount of humility, and you have a formula for real enrichment.

Care, because it is what you do. Care, and be vibrantly alive.

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Senin, 09 Juni 2014

Daily Inspiration : A DAY OF SUBSTANCE

Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 -


Make today a day of substance. Let go of your concerns about the superficial things that really don’t matter, and devote your energy to the things that do.

Life is a grand experience and there is so much more to it than just keeping up appearances. Even the small, unimpressive moments can be profoundly rich if you’ll just allow them to be.

Remind yourself how fortunate you are to be living this day. See how silly it is to worry and fret over the things you don’t have when you do have so much.

Grab hold of the opportunity that is now. You can make good things happen, and you already know how great that will make you feel.

Look around at the world and smile a great, big, satisfied and joyful smile. Realize, at a deeper level than ever before, how great and limitless your possibilities are.

Use this day for real, substantive progress, the kind you care about so much. Be amazed at the abundance, and be delighted at what you do with it.

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Sabtu, 07 Juni 2014

Daily Inspiration : ENJOY YOUR LIFE

Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 -


Enjoy your life. On this day, in this place, whatever concerns, challenges, opportunities and situations you’re faced with, enjoy yourself.

Enjoy the little, seemingly insignificant things. Enjoy the big, life-altering things.

Enjoy the drama and the peace, the solitude and the fellowship, the activity and the relaxation. Enjoy the work and the play.

Enjoy being you. Enjoy not having to impress anyone, just being able to live your life in harmony with your values.

You work better, play better, sleep better, eat better and experience better relationships when you allow yourself to enjoy. You’re more interesting, more interested, more loving and giving and creative.

It’s really not that difficult to make the choice to enjoy your life. Enjoy your life in an authentic way, and make it a whole lot more enjoyable.

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